22-year-old Muhammad Mounir from Egypt – 4th level student from Galala University.
Piran, Slovenia
20-24 May, 2024
Click below
• Age: 18-35 years at the time of application
• Resident in one of the Euro-Mediterranean countries
• With at least a high school diploma
• Higher Education Student (under or post-graduate) or on a job
• With a novel idea or invention that can eventually be commercialised
• Must be the sole owner of the idea or assigned by the co-owners to solely present and develop it
• The idea can be converted to a functional prototype in maximum 3 months
• Good command of English language
The innovation should address one of these 3 thematic areas:
• Health
• Renewable Energy
• Environment, including Climate Change
Application deadline 4 December @23.59 CET
Online pitches from 11 December - 14 December
The contestants will be hosted in the workshop facility at EMUNI or Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) or the EuroMed University of Fes (Morocco): 26 February - 17 May, 2024
5 finalists at the live event to be held at 10am CET on Friday 7 June.
Join here via ZOOM
The final group of candidates who will work on their prototypes will receive a mentor, who is an expert in their field.
Georgios´ innovation was focused on Renewable Energy, and featured an agrivoltaics (solar panels in agriculture) system that was intended to maximise both energy and crop production, while being affordable for the majority of producers. Georgios is studying for his degree in Agriculture – Plant Sciences at the Agricultural University of Athens, and finishes his studies in 2024.
Laila Mahmoud from Egypt, reached the finale with her innovation on Environment and Climate Change.
Jihene Nouairi from Tunisia, reached the finale with her innovation on Environment and Climate Change.
Patricija Ham from Slovenia, reached the finale with her innovation on Environment and Climate Change.
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Coming Soon
The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI), Trevisini Palace, Kidričevo nabrežje 2, 6330 Piran, Slovenia